Friday, September 17, 2010

Aidan's 13 Months

It's crazy when I say out loud that my baby boy is no longer a baby but a toddler, that is 13 months old. It's so sad to know how fast kids grow up. What's even sader is when it's your own kid growing up that fast. Aidan is attempting to talk. He says Momma, Dada, ball, bye bye, baby, up, hi, num for yum, and has crazy babbling conversations I think only he understand. It's amazing to see how much knowledge he has. He runs and climbs like no other. Gets into trouble and smiles about it. Plays with his big brother as if they are best friends. He is such a beautiful little boy on the inside and out. I feel truely blessed to have such wonderful, smart, gorgeous boys.
Enjoy some pictures of Aidan as he is in his 13th month of life:)
What a ham!
He has learned to love the Bucs at an early age. Win or LOSE!
Loving the view
I couldn't ask for a better life with the family that God has blessed me with.