Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ethan and Aidan at 6 months old

Alot of people think that Aidan is starting to look more and more like his older brother Ethan. After looking at this pictures from when they were(are) 6 months, I am not seeing it. LOL! Then again some people think one child looks like Roger and that same child by someone else is told they look like me?!? It's amazing how two kids from the same parents can look and act so differently. They say not to compare your children and I can see why. Ethan was a very, very active child who was crawling at 6 months. Aidan is active but not overwhelmingly. He sits up and reaches for toys. He attempts to swim on the ground but no crawling. He prefers to sit in his Mommy's lap. What is the same is how fast they grow. It's so sad to know that I am 28 yr old with a 2 yr old and a 6 month old. I wish my babies would stay young forever!


  1. I was going to say the same thing in the previous post, they definelty have simularities, but do look different! They of course are both handsome! I think my boys will be the same.... I hear ya about growing too fast, I am 28 with a 6 year old and an almost 6 week old! Enjoy every moment!

  2. Too cute. They are definitely different and act very different as babies. It will be interesting to see just how much stinkin cuter they both can get. I love them:)
