Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aidan's 2 months~~ Ethan's 22 months


Boy O Boy I am so lucky and blessed. I have the most beautiful little boys ever. Aidan is 2 months and has become very entertaining. He loves to have mini cooing conversations and smiles from ear to ear. They say you can't spoil a newborn but this little one has me wrapped around his pudgy little fingers. He is over the colic stage however, he loves to cry if he is not being held or paid 100% attention to. This has been a BIG challenge because his older brother Ethan loves attention too. I think Ethan's finally adapting better to his brother. I think he gets it that he's not going anywhere. He has yet to hold him but it's breath taking when he stares and touches Aidan. I found myself in tears watching the two of them. Aidan stares at Ethan and Ethan stares and touches Aidan.....they do LOVE each other!!!!

The following pictures are from our walk to Seminole Rec. Center today. It's very hard to get diff. types of pics of Aidan. I am usually holding him but he made a couple faces for the camera.
Thinking about smiling
???Who knows what he's thinking about

What a cutie!

There we go! Look at that smile:)
Ethan truly loves swinging

Aidan thinks he's pulled one over by sitting in Ethan's spot in the stroller

More swinging

ChubbyEthan has had a fear of slides since he fell down the swirly one at Dunedin splash ground. He's enjoying this little one!
Sitting up like a big boy in the stroller
One last smirk for the camera.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aidan looks so different from a month ago. It's amazing how quickly they change. I am seeing a "bit" of his mama in him now. Maybe it's his cute smile. Keep the pics coming. It's never an overload for me!

  3. I can't believe how big Ethan is getting, he is such a cutie! And I LOVE all of Aidan's different expressions, he too is a cutie pie of course! Can't wait to see you all again! And I have to agree with Melissa, it's never a picture overload!!! :)
