Part 4-- Play Time
My Aunty Patti watches her Grand Son (my Cousin Mark's son) sometimes during the week. She didn't have Lexton when we were in town so she made a quick call and we went to pick him up. It was nice to have someone Ethan's age so he could play. They are about 3 months apart, Ethan being older. It's crazy to see how many wild characteristics they share. They both love to live on the edge! Here are some pics from the park in Caspian. 
The boys running to the incredibly steep stairs to a tall swirl slide

Contemplating if they are allowed to go alone--that was a BIG fat NO!
Aunty Patty brought
Lexton down

Aidan and I chilled by the swings for a brief moment

Ethan loved the bouncing
teeter toter
Lexton climbing the spider

New thing at the park, Ethan had yet to experience

Aidan you are suppose to ride the zebra not eat him!

The boys enjoying the merry go round

Another steep slide. Again not big enough to go alone, they are too much of dare devils!

Ethan thinking he gets to go up alone
Aunty Patty caught up to take him:)
Don't mind Ethan's attire. We were back in Stevens Point and my sister Lisa took the day off. It started off chili but then got warmer and so we went to the park. We all sweated a little but it was a BIG, fun park!

Of course Ethan wanted to go to the small part just so he could walk back and forth
Hmmm....he still might not have the skill to walk the chain,
Aunty Lisa supervising the crazed boy

Ethan playing the song from Monsters VS Aliens or so he thinks:)

More blowing of the dandy lions

Picking at more bark,
He can't quiet figure it out

Playing with some random kid in the sand box area
*****Again more to come*****
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