Our Family
Our Family with Santa. To our surprise Ethan LOVED him.....he just didn't want to sit alone with him!
4 Generations--Nana, Susan, Aidan, Roger & Ethan
Roger (with his extra coat-LOL) and Ethan
Rog & Aidan
Our Family once again. This time in a diff. area of the Garden
Roger and I....Can you find Ethan?
Susan and the uncooperative boys
Christmas Eve Mass, 4pm at St. Matthews
This is where Ethan decided to listen to mass....under my chair???? Hey, as long as he is good!
Aidan being good with his Nana
Rog all dressed up from church. It's always nice when he goes with us:)
Ethan looking cute and up to NO good
Roger & I on X-mas EvePRICELESS facial expression Aidan
Don't worry he never got a taste but I couldn't help but take the pic. Is this what would happen if we let Auntie A babysit???