Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Aidan is 4 months old

Yes, I know I am a bad Mommy once again. My littlest man turned 4 months old a couple weeks ago and I am just now posting some pics of him. Please forgive me:(

Aidan is now rolling over more often from front to back and back to front. He continues to roll all over the floor. He loves bouncing in his jumperoo and gets giggles out of his exercauser. Most of all he LOVES sitting in his bumbo seat and watching his BIG brother Ethan.

Aidan in his jumperoo

Fell asleep in his Daddy's arms

Bumbo time

Giving kisses to his Grammy

Can you say he is teething?!?!

Tired little man

Gosh I love this pic. He is a doll face!
At his 4 month check up the doctor gave us the ok to start rice cereal. As you will see he is not liking it. Hopefully, he will like it more in a couple of weeks! This is his scared face
I think he is posing

Yuck! Not liking it

This is when I stopped....poor baby:(

You all are probably guessing how much my little chunk weighs? 16lb12oz & 25.75" (both on the 75%) only 4oz more than Ethan @ 4 months.


  1. Shut up! He is SOOOOOOOO cute. I can't believe he is just a week away from being 5 months and I'm only now meeting my little new man. :( Breaks my heart but I promise to spoil him with lots of love and attention. And I am going to kiss those chubby little knees. LOVE them.

  2. He is looking so much more like Ethan was at the age. He is so cute. I can't wait to see him and big brother Ethan again soon.
