Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Mr. Potato Head

Ethan is a goof! He loves to play with his Mr. Potato head. When he plays with the glasses he attempts to put them on himself but they are too little. Instead he puts them on his neck. Thought you would get a couple of giggles looking at these pictures, like I did just watching him:)

P.S. Sorry for the overkill of pictures:) Couldn't help it!

Monday, June 29, 2009

All grown up:(

I find myself saying very often that I feel Ethan still is a baby and not a toddler yet. Maybe because he doesn't have alot of hair (what he does have is very long and it's going to be cut on Friday), or that he doesn't talk alot.......I'm not sure. When I was downloading photos, I found this one and it made me sad:( He looks like a big boy! I guess he's getting ready to be a BIG brother.

I had to add this picture. It was hilarious! Ethan was playing with his shadow. By the time I got the camera he had enough but I still captured the tail end of his comedy show....and yes it included the balloons:)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

34 Weeks/Baby Shower

Thank you Nana and Susan for such a beautiful shower. The Bayou Club is a great place and everything went wonderfully:) I am so blessed to have the two of you in my life. The company was perfect and the gifts were overly generous!
Pretty tables setup
CupcakesThe food was YUMMY! I was very sad I couldn't bring it home:(

What gorgeous friends.....April, Dawn, Ashleigh, Amber and Melissa
And family....Kristen, Barb, Susan, Taryn , Nana and Aunt Lynn
Beautiful friends and family...Nicole, Tonia, Mom, Elena, Kristy and Leiann:)

Me, Dawn and Ashleigh
Leiann and I
Thank you to all that attended my shower. Thank you for your company and thank you for the wonderful gifts! I am truly blessed! I wish I had taken more pictures but the memories will stay with me forever!

Friday, June 19, 2009

"Playdate" Surprise Shower

Surprise! I have a group of friends that I usually meet up with once a month and we have a playdate with all of our kids. We alternate homes each time. This time we had the playdate at Sheryl's house and all the mom's decided to give me a surprise baby sprinkle:) I loved it! It was definetly nice and extrememly generous of all of them. I am so fortunate to have such GREAT friends!!!!! Thank you ladies!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Tunnel

We were finally able to take a trip to the new IKEA without it being CRAZY busy!! We got there a little early but it was worth it. That place is amazing. So many things for the home and so inexpensive!
We got Ethan a tunnel for his playroom. He tried it out the other morning and LOVES it. We find him in the tunnel, in the playroom, all by himself as if he's playing hide n seek. LOL! We also finally got him a table and chairs and some misc. toys.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Adventures in side walk chalk

We went to the dollar store yesterday with "Grape" Nana and picked up some side walk chalk. I wish I would have picked some up sooner. Ethan thought it was the coolest thing to doddle on the walk way:)
He's a pro at drawing straight lines

Running away with the props, the evidence is on his butt!
He's caught!!! Look at that smile:)
What a thoughtful, loving little boy! Great penmanship too:)
He gets the paper too.........
Ohhhhh he can't wait to read it!
This is where he sits back, relaxes and enjoys juice while reading the paper :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Special Moment and Ethan's Future

First, I'd like to start out by sharing a very special moment Ethan and I had this morning. Reminder...I'm a little emotional, I'm 8 months pregnant:)

I was getting Ethan ready so that we could go walk this morning. As I picked him up from the changing table he didn't let go. He hugged me so tight and for so long, I melted. He let go, looked at me, smiled and hugged me longer. At this point the tears were running from my eyes. It's these small moments that remind you of how much LOVE you have for your child(ren). Not only did he hug me but then he let go one more time and gave me a BIG ole' kiss and went back to hugging me. I'm not exaggerating when I say this went on for at least 2 minutes. It made my day, to say the least!!!! For those of you who have rambunctious kids you can appreciate this.

On to Ethan's Future LOL! ****CAUTION****Pictures below have nudity!!!!!!

This is a picture of what we hope is to come....maybe the medical field:)

This is a future all parents fear.....STREAKING!
LMAO! Ethan's new thing is taking his diaper off and running around the house. He has a smile from ear to ear and laughs! You can't help yourself but to laugh with him. Then, you have to get serious, catch him, and put another diaper and clothes on him. We only hope that this is not a sign of what's to come.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Bumbleride or Bob???

Ok, I have had an extremely hard time deciding on which stroller I'd like to purchase for the boys. I'd love to say I don't need a double stroller...but I do. For those of you who have been with Ethan and I shopping, you understand:) Please vote on which you like better. You can click on the poll to your right. I've put pictures of both under the poll, you can click on them to see details. Thanks for your help!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ethan's 1 1/2 years old

I can't believe my little boy is 1 1/2 years old. He has grown up sooooo fast that it's scary. He definitely keeps me busy and on my toes. He loves to run around constantly and climb on everything. He's for sure a boys boy! He also loves to play a few rounds of golf, swing the baseball bat and throw every ball imaginable. "Stop playing ball in the house!" brings a new meaning to me. I'm sure I will be saying that daily for a long time to come. We've got a LONG journey ahead of us and I can't wait to see what interesting things he has to tell and show us:)
Sweet dreams..........how innocent
Calling his Dad to make sure he's on his way home:)
Digging for sticks and dirt! He's such a BOY!

He's got what he wanted. Now he's mad I'm taking pics of him (you would think he's use to it)

Making a mess with the dirt while trying to chase a lizard

Turned back for a smirk

I guess he's telling me enough is enough!

Gosh I love him soooo much. I can not even think of how my life would be without him. He's such a blessing and a dream come true.