Wednesday, July 22, 2009

38 weeks 3 days Aidan Update

I had another follow up appt. NOTHING has changed! I am still 1cm 50%effaced. Supposedly Aidan's head has come down a little further:) ***TMI alert*** I did lose my mucous plug on Monday but that's not an indicator of labor or anything else for that matter:) I know that Nana was the one who voted for July 19th-July 23rd....still hoping that she wins:) If not there were six other people who voted between July 24th- July 28th, they maybe the winner???? We will see what curve ball Aidan tosses at us in the next couple of days. If I don't go into labor on my own by the morning of the 28th, I'm schedule for a c-section 9am @ Morton Plant Hospital. Wish me luck!
(Sorry no pics...kind of boring)


  1. Aww Bridget! Everything will work out, try and relax as much as you can :) The last couple of weeks, even days are the worst, but it will all be worth it in the end when your handsome baby boy decides to make his entrance! Good Luck and hang in there!

  2. Thanks Lauren:) I am hanging in there but very inpatient:) Great pregnancy just HUGE and uncomfortable!

  3. I've been checking in on you consistantly. JoAnn stopped into Grams yesterday and I was thinking that maybe you had Aidan....But nope! You're in my thoughts and I hope everything goes smoothly.

  4. HELLO!!! You act like you just had a baby or something...update this site with Aidan pics!! ;)
