Roger, Ethan, Aidan and I were very excited to head up to Oxford for Audrey and Julia's birthday party. Again, it's rare we get to see the Luplow family. With distance between us, it makes it even harder. It was a tad nicer this time because Oxford was basically a half hour less of a ride than Ocala use to be:) It's crazy how time flys by. It seems literally like yesterday Leiann was pregnant with Audrey. Well, Audrey turned 4 and Julia was turning 6! Leiann is so fortunate to have such a beautiful family. The girls are just helpful, fun, playful doll faces. Enjoy the pics from the short time we had to celebrate there.

Audrey showing off her fun, yummy whirly pop party favors!
(Stickers created by Devine Doodles)

Uncle Roger posing with Jared, Julia & Audrey

I can't believe how much they have grown:(

Is Julia just not a beautiful girl? She has a smile of an angel!

My God Son Jared

Everyone playing and having fun!

This is where Ethan's obsession with Alligators, Dinosaurs & Monsters started!

Another pose

Or two..

Aidan loving on his Aunty Leiann

The two birthday girls

Happy Birthday Julia and Audrey

Look who's 4!!!
Ethan trying to escape outside to play with the "Alligator"
Aidan loves to be held so he found his love!
And he laughs for her too!
Jared showing off the over sized birthday balloon the girls got:)