Thursday, July 29, 2010


As most of you know Ethan is not a good eater and Aidan is my eater. Well I had made Ethan cheese quesadilla and he wouldn't eat it so I tried a corn dog. I was in the kitchen cleaning up and all of a sudden I heard, "say awwwwww!" I turned and saw Ethan trying to feed his little brother his food. Go figure right? Now we know why Ethan's so skinny and Aidan's so hearty,lol.
He really doesn't like corn dogs but I'm sure Aidan will try it!
And he takes a bite and Ethan thinks it's soooo funny.
Aidan eating some more lunch.
He loves lunch meat and crackers
Hmmmm, Mr. Mischievous spilt his fruit cup and is wiping it on the floor....nice!
Doesn't stay still long enough to wipe his face off.
He's all smiles and keeping those crumbs for later.

1 comment:

  1. Aidan reminds me of Riley in these photos LOL! Begging for a bite;)
